Tekla Tedds -Structural and civil engineering calculation software

Automate all your repetitive structural calculations

Tekla Tedds is powerful software developed to meet the needs of the structural engineering workflow and designed to help you automate your repetitive structural calculations. Choose from one or more of our regularly updated calculation libraries or write your own, and create professional documentation every time. Combine your structural calculations with 2D frame analysis.

Forget time-consuming hand calculations and cumbersome spreadsheets. Automate your work with Tekla Tedds. You will have access to an extensive library of design modules including:

  • Loading – Seismic and Wind
  • Analysis – Continuous Beams and Rolling Load
  • Steel Design – Beams, Torsion, Columns
  • Connections – Base Plates and Bolts

Key benefits

  • Increase productivity
  • Transparent calculations
  • Minimize errors
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